Connected Fire Sprinkler

When safeguarding your people and property, a sprinkler system is a crucial element of fire and life safety. Proactive monitoring of your fire sprinkler system’s health enables preventive maintenance and helps avoid costly system failures.

From frozen pipes that burst to corrosion-induced leaks, the damage can be severe and the repair costs substantial. Fortunately, Uchit Technology offers the industry-first Connected Fire Sprinkler Solution to prevent such scenarios. This solution continuously monitors your sprinkler system’s status, helping you avert system failures, reduce building damage, and minimize disruptions to business operations.

Key feature
  • Receive alerts from any location about issues like freezing pipe temperatures, pressure imbalances, and water presence, allowing you to address problems before they escalate.
  • Focus preventive maintenance efforts on the system components that need it most.
  • Access expert guidance on the best ways to resolve issues.
  • Prevent costly damage and business disruptions caused by broken pipes or false system activations.
  • Extend the lifespan of your fire sprinkler system.
  • Gain leverage with insurance companies, potentially reducing your premiums
  • Working of Fire Sprinkler
  • Sensors continuously monitor fire sprinkler system data, including pressure, temperature, and water presence.
  • This information is transmitted to the customer dashboard through the Cloud.
  • Proactive notifications are sent to the customer, detailing the time and location of any adverse conditions. If the customer is off-site, alerts are sent to their mobile device.
  • By addressing the adverse condition before damage occurs, costly system and building repairs are avoided.

Fire Sprinklers

We provide fire sprinklers for residential, commercial, and industrial use, along with an extensive range of systems for storage applications. These systems can be tailored to meet nearly any fire suppression need.

Standard Spray

Sprinklers designed for standard coverage areas and systems.

  • Available in standard and quick response options.
  • Offered in a wide range of orientations.

Extended Coverage

Sprinklers designed for areas larger than standard installation guidelines.

  • Reduces the number of sprinklers needed
  • Suitable for light, ordinary, and extra hazard occupancies
  • Available in standard and quick response options

Mist Fog Equipment

Water mist systems offer versatile and highly efficient fire protection, using specially designed and rigorously tested nozzles to guard against various fire risks. The fine mist they produce can either extinguish fires or limit their growth early, depending on the asset being protected. Water mist systems effectively cool and control Class A fires, while aiding in extinguishing and preventing re-ignition of Class B and Class C fires. This is also effective to use in Li-ion battery’s fire.

High-pressure water mist system designed for Class A, B fires and Li-ion battery fire.

  • Perfect for safeguarding machinery spaces or Engine test beds.
  • Offered as a pre-engineered logic system or an engineered pumped system
  • Operates at pressures ranging from 70 to 200 bars

Gas Suppression Systems And Control Panels

Advanced Technology to Safeguard Sensitive Equipment We recognize the challenges of installing gaseous fire suppression systems in areas with sensitive equipment where business continuity is crucial. To protect these assets, a dependable solution is essential. Our approach is twofold: using time-tested agents that leave no residue and are safe for the equipment. Our systems can help minimize footprint, reduce complexity, and streamline the pipe network. In essence, our technology enhances system flexibility, allowing engineers to integrate gaseous fire suppression systems more discreetly while meeting the specific needs of the protected area.

Industrial Systems

Unpredictable industrial fires demand advanced skills and cutting-edge agents to safeguard people and property. Whether dealing with a gas station, hazardous material storage, a commercial spray paint booth, or other high-risk environments, we offer a variety of products and systems for detecting and suppressing complex fires. Our proven technology is designed to quickly extinguish even the most challenging flammable liquid and gas fires.

  • Proven technology for rapid flame suppression
  • Detects and controls complex hazards
  • Ideal for large industrial applications

Fire Suppression Services

Uchit technology is your life-safety ally, providing training, design, inspection, and integrated services to create a safer and smarter solution for your fire suppression needs.

Fire Systems Training: for Today and Tomorrow We understand that technical product training is crucial for maximizing your fire and life-safety systems. That's why we provide our customers with the same high-quality training as our own technicians. Whether it’s for fire alarm or suppression systems, our combined web-based and classroom training offers professional instruction. These programs are designed to build expertise among your staff and cover all the systems and technologies we provide.

Training programs for fire and life-safety systems to ensure the lasting success of your safety initiatives Permits customers to schedule training at their preferred times and intervals

  • Empowers employees and staff to fully utilize your systems
  • Aims to build confidence, competence, and compliance among employees Perfect for organizations with high staff turnover requiring regular training Applicable to all supported fire and life-safety systems
  • Reduces false alarms and system errors Includes select web-based and/or online content options

Fire and Life-Safety Services

Uchit technology provides a range of advanced connected life-safety services and technologies. This offering, combined with our technicians’ deep industry expertise and training, ensures enhanced performance, reliability, code compliance, and operational efficiency of your fire and life-safety systems